Well, I finished my 5th marathon last Sunday in Maine. The Sugarolaf Marathon is a point-to-point race on a beautiful course. There was a tailwind and a lot of downhill, but I did not PR. I finished it in 4 hours, 18 minutes and 35 seconds, my 2nd best time. My knee, injured a few months ago when I was running and tripped over my dog, Rosie, started hurting in the second mile. I was afraid that would happen. It made the race less than pleasant. For the first half, I wasn't sure I could finish. Once I decided I would, it was hard not to focus on the pain and just enjoy the race. But oh well, I did finish.
Two years ago I ran my best time at the Vermont City Marathon. I've tried to recapture the thrill of that race twice now, to no avail. After that marathon, we drove home from Burlington, stopping at Marty's First Stop in Danville for something to eat. I got a bowl of clam chowder and there was never a more perfect post-marathon recovery snack. Salt, carbs, protein and fat in a styrofoam cup. Yum. (Everyone stops at Marty's when traveling route 2 through the Kingdom and locals know that Marty's has great soup, sandwiches, and anything else you could possibly want.) Then we got home and the party got rolling. I drank wine and danced and smiled and ate some more of whatever my mom cooked for me (crabcakes, I think). In contrast, after this race, I couldn't walk and was sick to my stomach. There was certainly no dancing. After a while I was able to eat some of the chowder my momma made at my request (better than Marty's) and have some wine in a somewhat forced act of celebration. But I didn't feel well for several days. A fellow marathoner pointed out that running injured takes a bigger toll on the body, which might explain my extended GI troubles and general malaise. In any case, it was disappointing race.
Funny, because despite all this, when my step-father asked me, right after the race, if I thought I would run another marathon, my first instinct wasn't "no way!" Which makes me think that the chances are good that I will run another 26.2. I think I'll still want to chase the joy of a successful, feel-good race, the hope of a PR and maybe even the unrealistic dream of a BQ. But tonight I enjoyed a laid-back mountain bike ride with Patrick. And Harper has promised to take me on her favorite trail and give me some lessons at the pump track. But someday, and probably soon, I'll need to run.