Wouldn't our Champ be delighted with his newest great grandchild?! Born Sunday after many hours of hard labor, Brook, Netdahe and Losada are all doing well and the baby is cuter than the dickens; tiny with black hair and perfect little fingers and toes and a perfect little nose. So far I've only seen photos as I planned to go visit today but have decided not to brave the 30+ mile trip in what is shaping up to be a gorgeous snow storm. Hopefully I'll make it down tomorrow to meet the little bugger. The first time I met Netdahe he was very tiny and I was almost 6 years old and he pissed on me! Somehow the grownups in my world made me think this was a kind of honor. Now it is almost 34 years later and Losada is the 4th great grandchild (following Harper, Patrick and Nia) so this next generation is shaping up nicely.
When we were little, Netdahe and Henekis realized I was an only child and therefore would not have the opportunity to be an aunt. They felt quite sorry for me and let me know I could be their sister. So Losada is my nephew. We're going to love him forever, of course.