Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"For (the sake of) Old Times"

I love New Year's Eve.  I don't know what people mean when they say it's overrated.  I think it's wonderful.  For years now we've made a tradition of always getting together with our oldest group of friends.  That's what it's all about, right?  Auld Lang Syne, after all! In these busy, hectic times, it is reassuring to have a tradition that brings us all together, no matter what.  And a time to be completely ridiculous and wear hats and wigs.  This is me:

Can you hear Benjie laughing?  Because we are having so much friggin' fun wearing hats!

The kids stayed up until midnight this year (well, all but Nina and Shea, who are still too little).  They have Noelle to thank as she lobbied hard for them last year, making it a sure thing for this year.

Look at these women!   I love them and I love KJs serious face.  She looks like her daughters here, when they just stare you down.  Nina, in particular.  That stare intimidated me a little in 7th grade, but now I love it. This was during the dance party.

 When the event is at Jen's there is always fondue with just a little too much kirsch.  It's delicious though, and Benjie makes the best, homemade bread to dip.  Bryan loves all the late night snacks.  Sometimes it is a wonder there is any food left in the house the next day.

Jen's mixing a drink for Peter.  His one drink of the year. I love her smile.

Me and Maria McGee...So grateful that Maria and Peter drove all the way from Pennsylvania once again to be with us.  Such commitment to the friendships!  Such good kinship work!
(I'm waiting with baited breath for a picture of Peter in the band leader hat.  As soon as someone sends me one, I'll post it here!)

Ah, earlier in the night there was arm wrestling and then leg wrestling.  I can't beat anyone at arm wrestling.  But I beat Harper and Maria at leg wrestling.  Here Noelle and Harper are at a standoff.

 Patrick and Nina, ringing it in!

The ubiquitous picture of a crowd around the fire.  This could be any year, really.  We write things we want to be done with on shims and throw them in the fire.
These here are some super awesome kids as midnight.  They've grown up together and we wonder how much longer they'll be celebrating NYE with us.  My theory is that they will venture out on their own for a few years in their 20s, but then they'll realize there's no party more fun than this one and come hang with us again.  Eventually they'll be in charge of building the fire and making breakfast the next day. This is my fantasy.

Bryan met his traditional obligation of throwing the dried tree on the fire at midnight and Baxter helped keep things under control.

The next morning after eggs and "just one meat!" we enjoyed head scratching...

and book reading.  (Look closely and you can see Noelle's husband Pete still crashed out on the futon! What a nice, easy-going fella.)

The nineteen of us gathered for less than twenty four hours, but man, did we pack in some fun.  Peter says, "If every day had even a smidgin of that much laughter, I'd be doing good."  Being with these folks, especially for this particular celebration, is the kind of easy going, good time that really feeds your soul.  I love you all so very, very much.  

 **all of these pictures were taken by Mr. Peter Ammirati.

Marathoning--A Record of My Times

  • NEW HAMPSHIRE MARATHON, October 3, 2015. 4 hrs. 56 minutes, 8 seconds.
  • MONTREAL "ROCK 'N' ROLL MARATHON, September 22, 2013. 4 hrs. 20 minutes, 41 seconds.
  • VERMONT CITY MARATHON, May 2012. 4 hrs. 20 minutes, 8 seconds.
  • MOUNT DESERT ISLAND MARATHON (Maine), October 2011, 4 hrs. 45 minutes, 14 seconds
  • SUGARLOAF MARATHON (Maine), May 2010. 4 hrs. 18 minutes, 35 seconds
  • MONTREAL MARATHON, September 2008. 4 hrs. 19 minutes, 33 seconds
  • VERMONT CITY MARATHON, May 2008. 4 hrs. 11 minutes, 58 seconds
  • VERMONT CITY MARATHON, May 2007. 4 hrs. 19 minutes, 42 seconds
  • MONTREAL MARATHON, September 2006. 4hrs, 30 minutes, 2 seconds

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