Seems like time to write something about running, since I spend a lot of time thinking about it, doing it, planning for it and recovering from it.
As I've said elsewhere on this blog, I'm training for my fourth marathon, Montreal, which is September 14th. Montreal was also my first marathon, two years ago. I guess that's where I first caught the bug. Running into the Olympic Stadium was a thrill. Starting on the majestic Jacque Cartier Bridge with more than a thousand other marathoners gave me chills. I have since run the Vermont City Marathon, in Burlington, twice. I was seriously considering running Montreal last year when, just as I was about to start training, this happened and I was laid up for a bit:

So much for me and bikes. I'll leave that to my husband who eats, sleeps and breathes cycling. As I write this he is watching the Tour de France. He loves the Tour. He says he'd even get on an airplane to be able to ride up some of those mountains.
Anyway, back to me. Right now I am training harder than ever before and feeling pretty great. It makes me really happy to run 10 or 11 miles before work because it's an accomplishment. I'm especially happy when I can also be productive the rest of the day and not feel exhausted, which is generally how it's been. In fact, I think I have more energy and pep on the days I do longer runs. I can't imagine a better way to start the day.
Every morning when I run I notice something different. Often it's the way the air smells or the quality of the light, which changes all the time. Darling Hill is always beautiful, no matter what the season or the weather. Today I was running on a bridge over the Passumpsic river and I looked down and saw a family of ducks! I've seen moose a couple of times and often see deer. There is an older man in a green pick up truck who drives by me every morning and waves. This has been going on for years. I feel like we're friends and if I ever notice him too late to wave back, I feel bad. Lately there is another runner on my route; a man about my age or a bit younger. He has a nice, friendly smile. I see him once or twice a week. Often we pass each other going in opposite directions and then he turns around and passes me. He's pretty fast, but I don't think he runs long distaces. Today I passed a runner in Lyndonville. That made me feel fast!
Lately I see lots of black-eyed susans, which are my favorite flower, and that really delights me. I often plan my long runs to include scenic routes, which isn't hard given where I live. There is a road about 2 miles long called Sugar Maple Lane that only has 2 houses on it and looks down into a green and lush valley. It's spectacular, as is the Kirby Ridge Road. I feel extremely blessed to get to run in these spots, despite all the hills.
I love to run on the trails, but for longer runs, I stick to the roads. When I road run, I usually listen to music. Lately some of my favorite running songs that really pump me up and get me going are Bubble Toes by Jack Johnson, Heartbreaker by the Rolling Stones, Sexual Healing (I have 3 versions; Marvin Gaye, Ben Harper and Soul Asylum. I like them all), I'll Take You There, by the Staple Singers (ah, Mavis!), The Boogie that Be and Smells like Funk by Black Eyed Peas, any Led Zeppelin, and Body Movin' by The Beastie Boys. Body Movin' always makes me think of my young friend, Baxter, who introduced me to that song a few years ago. It's Baxter's favorite song for a dance party and once it comes on the stereo, you better watch out! Bax can really bust a move. My all time favorite running song (and maybe even all time favorite song) is As by Stevie Wonder. My favorite part is when he growls out these lines:
We all know sometimes life's hates and troubles
Can make you wish you were born in another time and place
But you can bet your life times that and twice its double
That God knew exactly where he wanted you to be placed
so make sure when you say you're in it but not of it
You're not helping to make this earth a place sometimes called Hell
Change your words into truths and then change that truth into love
And maybe our children's grandchildren And their great-great grandchildren will tell...
Sometimes when I'm running I just HAVE to dance. When that happens, I'm pretty sure anyone who sees me suspects I'm having some kind of spasmatic attack. And if it happens at the end of that Stevie Wonder song, it will surely involve jazz hands. But I don't really care if I look silly, because I'm running and I'm happy and on top of the world.
1 comment:
And I know that I am only on my treadmill, in my living room, and for no more than 45 mins! but... I too find myself swinging my arms around and doing fancy foot work!? What the heck is going on, and what must the neighbors think?? I don't care! I know that I am doing a little boogie down because all of the sudden it is just the right thing to do :) Rock on my dear Zoe~ Cb
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