I have to go to work for a few hours, but Neil and the kids will pack the car and pick me up at 3 and we'll be headed to the best weekend of the year (as per David A.--I couldn't agree more). I'm bringing a big pot of chili, hummus, farm milk and eggs and a log of Long Trail IPA.
I can't wait to see, kiss and squeeze all you mo-fuggin wackos!
I got plenty wine! plus lots of nice fresh veggies from my garden, a good supply of bug repellent, & some pretty good one-liners. Can't tell you everything. I may not as hot at partying 'til 3am as in past years, but a valiant effort will be made! Yee-ha!
I forgot to make cole slaw but I'm bringing the cabbage to do it there.
I don't have any good one-liners, but I'm hoping to see the killer across the lake. And hoping Bryan will finally swim or canoe over and take that menace to society down.
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