Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bag Balm Rules

For reasons I won't go into (but will gladly share with anyone who asks, or even people who don't as Kayla's friend, whom I just barely met, can attest) I experienced some serious chafing about 11 miles into my 20 mile run today. There was blood. I have never chafed to the point of blood before. I carry my cell phone with me on long runs in case of emergencies and this, my friends, was an emergency. I called the captain of my support team, almost in tears, and he drove out and met me with the bag balm. Those of you from Vermont know the amazing properties of this substance made to treat cow udders. It is a miracle cure. By the time I got home (after completing the 20 miles), the spot that had been bleeding was almost completely healed! Thank you bag balm, thank you so much.

In other news, today was the annual Pond Skimming in our town. It was lots of fun to watch and hot and sunny. April 3rd and we have temperatures in the 80s in northern Vermont! Unbelievable. And all of us at the pond skimming now have sun burns! Here are a couple of video clips of Big Bird and the Pope, two of our favorite characters, on their final runs.


AmadoDRN said...

HYSTERICAL! Never heard of this before, ya kill me! Fun times... xo

CB said...

I can't believe Big Bird didn't win best comstume! Good times, good times.

Marathoning--A Record of My Times

  • NEW HAMPSHIRE MARATHON, October 3, 2015. 4 hrs. 56 minutes, 8 seconds.
  • MONTREAL "ROCK 'N' ROLL MARATHON, September 22, 2013. 4 hrs. 20 minutes, 41 seconds.
  • VERMONT CITY MARATHON, May 2012. 4 hrs. 20 minutes, 8 seconds.
  • MOUNT DESERT ISLAND MARATHON (Maine), October 2011, 4 hrs. 45 minutes, 14 seconds
  • SUGARLOAF MARATHON (Maine), May 2010. 4 hrs. 18 minutes, 35 seconds
  • MONTREAL MARATHON, September 2008. 4 hrs. 19 minutes, 33 seconds
  • VERMONT CITY MARATHON, May 2008. 4 hrs. 11 minutes, 58 seconds
  • VERMONT CITY MARATHON, May 2007. 4 hrs. 19 minutes, 42 seconds
  • MONTREAL MARATHON, September 2006. 4hrs, 30 minutes, 2 seconds

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